Project Ideas
Nothing, just a few (project) ideas.
2023: Storing Data on Youtube
Youtube allows us to upload videos upto 128GB/256GB ( not sure ). Idea here is to convert any data format to video. ( data -> bit -> pixels -> frames -> video ) and upload it on youtube to avail unlimited ( not sure ) storage. Not sure if this would be efficient, I guess not. One would also face problem when recoving original files. This could be optimized with proper encoding/decoding. Additionally this can be enchnaced and one may create an API that can be used to create WebApp/Mobile App.
Found this on internet:
2022: Spotify Friend Activity Chrome extension
Spotify desktop app has a side panel to view friend activity to know what your friends are listening to. Spotify web app doesn’t have this feature, idea is to develop a chrome extension that can show a panel similar to the desktop app.
UPDATE: I developed something similar, though it can be improved further.
2022: Unlimited cloud storage using Telegram
Telegram provides unlimited free storage, with the help of telegram API a web app can be developed similar to G-drive that uses telegram storage in the backend. A similar project is developed already by someone, but it is command-based and outdated, requiring too much effort to set up.
2022: MS-Teams class attending bot
A python-based script/bot or a chrome extension that attends classes without requiring even a single click once run in the background. A chrome extension is already present on the chrome web store but it only works if you are present on the MS-teams tab. so typically it doesn’t eliminate the need of going to ms-teams by manual click.
[Trash] Bypass “max-screen allowed” for streaming sites
Most of the “streaming apps” only allow limited watch screen at the same time, by blocking particular requests, It should be possible to bypass “max screen allowed” feature for many streaming sites.
[Trash] Merge IITG-AutoLogin with Setup-VPN
IITG network doesn’t allow many sites to visit, and it also requires users to log in to start the session. There is a chrome extension for autologin, merging the autologin extension with a VPN and excluding the so that session doesn’t expire in 10 minutes would be cool.
PS: I’ll add more ideas if (it) is not complete trash.